Baby Jones

 BabyFetus Ticker

Monday, June 24, 2013

Baby Announcement......What Do You Think????

I've been thinking about when should the world know about Baby Jones.  As you know we've only told close family and friends.  So what are your thoughts?  I talked to several women and some were so excited they told everyone right away and then I talked to some that waited until they made it through the first trimester.  I know it's a personal preference but I wanted to include you as well. (My first trimester ends July 22).

When we decide I was thinking about creating an actual announcement to mail out and/or post: 

The above is one of my top picks.

Let me know your thoughts. I will be looking forward to hearing from you.



8 Weeks........We Have A Large Raspberry This Week!!!

Baby Jones is growing.  Now the size of a large raspberry at 2 months.  Take a look into week 8:


This week has been rough on momma.  My nausea let up a little however constipation and gas kicked it into high gear.  I've also experience the over the towel position of throwing up.  But afterwards I feel much better.  I am definitely feeling the pelvic area pressure along with the contractions of the uterus.  According to what I'm going through at 8 weeks, I'm right on target.  I truly appreciate my wonderful husband for picking up my slack and ensuring I'm comfy around the house.  I love you Babe! 


I am so in love with and Both are excellent resources as well as the apps available for your phone and other electronic devices.  Well, stay tuned for more updates.  Have a great night!


Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Baby Story.............

Okay don't judge me, but I watched 4 episodes of A Baby Story and cried for each one!  I am learning a lot but there is some scaring stuff on there like the epidural!!!!!!!  OMG Let me pray now.  If you're reading this blog, you know I can't stand needles!!!!  But I know God will keep me!

Well, I just wanted to post a quick update.  Stay tuned for more.........


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

First Prenatal Appointment......................

Our first prenatal appointment went great!  Dr. Stutes and Nurse Valerie make an awesome team!  Hubby was there the entire time ensuring I was okay ;-)  Once we checked it we went to see Baby Jones.

7 Weeks and 1 day
Our little jelly bean's heart rate was 126 beats per minute (bpm), and Dr. Stutes informed us that was very good.  Normally doctors would wait until around 10-12 weeks but Baby Jones has a strong heart beat at 7 weeks.  Hearing that hear beat melting my heart and made it all real for me.

The Acadiana Women's Health Group really live our their motto "Dedicated to Women's Health."  The entire staff amazes me.  Hubby and I are very please with our selection of OB/GYN.  

Here is the bag of info that I received along with my Strong Moms Pregnancy Planner my big sis, Chamel gave to me.
Books and Magazines

Samples of Prenatal Vitamins and Meds for Nausea to try. 
They ensured I had all I needed to get started and information that answered most of my questions.  The package Dr. Stutes gave me even included a list of over the counter (OTC) medicines that I can take that are NOT harmful to the baby.   

Me holding my
Yes, this is me attempting to hold my pee.  My bladder had to be FULL and it was full!  LOL  So cheesing and holding it does not work for me.  ;-)

Waiting for the doctor to come
Daddy was being a great photographer.   I started to bring my Canon 60D with me, but I already had too much stuff with me.

Oh, still waiting lol
 I was soooooo sleepy after the ultrasound.  I wanted to just stay in that room and take a nap.  It was nice and cozy.  LOL

Momma & Baby Jones 
Well, this momma wants some food.  We are about to have a big ole plate of rice and eggs and maybe one piece of bacon (if it agrees).  We appreciate you following us on this journey.  Stay tuned because there is definitely more to come.  

Be Blessed!!


Monday, June 17, 2013

7 Weeks..........We have a blueberry!

Baby Jones is definitely growing because momma is expanding.  Here is a look into week 7:

This past week the pressure was on!!!!  I literally had to prop on pillows just to get some relief.  Also, constipation is starting to set in.  Sooooooo uncomfy.  Apple juice isn't working fast 

My sweetpea is now a BLUE-berry ( in my Ms. Connelly's voice.....from the movie Duplex.  If you haven't seen it, it's a must see.  I've watched it a ga-zillion times.  Isn't that right Thomas and Jas? Lol). Time is really moving along.  When we discovered we were pregnant, Baby Jones was just an appleseed.  

Tomorrow is our FIRST prenatal appointment and we are super excited.  Keep us in your prayers as we continue to grow and keep you updated.

Stay tuned.............


Thank you Jesus for Cami Johnson

So yesterday at church I wasn't feeling my best and nausea had taken over.  My dear sister from church, Cami came over to check on me.  After service she blessed me with a pack of Biscoff.  These little cookies are the!!!!!  They agree with my stomach and helps settles it.  The thing is I want to eat the entire pack AND daddy loves them too.  These cookies have been discovered at Wal-Mart and Walgreens.  So we will stock up.  Cami I appreciate you so much.  Thank you for always thinking of me.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Destination Maternity.......

Okay so I go to Destination Maternity on yesterday looking for Preggie Pop Drops.  These are good for the nausea.  So the representative was so helpful and showed me around the store.  


So as I'm finishing up and ready to check out, she asks me to fill out a profile card.  This is where they email you coupons, sales, updates, etc. I'm looking down the entire time filling out the form and out comes the rep with a cute bag with items inside.


Inside this bag was another bag.  But before I could even look inside the pregnancy hormones kicked it in high gear.  I began to cry!  Yup I was crying.  The rep came to the other side of the counter to console me and give me tissues.  Then a customer walked in (at 35 weeks) and joined the party.  They were both encouraging me and sharing their journey.  ;) Okay after being a cry baby I saw this bag inside of my store purchase bag.


This bag is heaven sent.  Here are some of the items that were included:

Boudreaux's Butt Paste (Diaper Rash)
$5.00 off coupon for Baby Thermometer
Free session and 2 Portrait Sheets at JCP Portraits 
$50 Gift Card to Carseat Canopy
Free Nursing Cover from
Free Baby Carrier from Seven Slings
Coupons to Carter's and OshKosh B'gosh
Coupons to FisherPrice
Coupons to Buy Buy Baby
$20 Gift Card to Shutterfly
Avent Classic Bottles 


Monday, June 10, 2013

The Baby Bump E-Book

AWESOME Book and I JUST started reading it today.  It was recommended by friends so here it is.  Loaded and ready to read via Kindle.  I will keep you posted on this one as well.  

I LOVE the pictures that they have and it's straight to the point.  Just enough information to keep you on your toes.  Month by month and checklists that will guide you through your awesome journey as a new mommy. 

Stay tuned............


BOY or GIRL........What do you think?????????


According to the Chinese's a GIRL....what are your thoughts?

If I'm right......EVERYONE who says boy will have to take me out to eat to Harvey's.

(Yes, Thomas, Marcus, Colby that includes you!  Bring it on Denzel!)

Stay tuned....


New Besties

Here are my new besties (food that agrees with me without gaggin').  Canada Dry is the best of the best besides water.  It surely settles my stomach when it's going crazy.  Onion bagels are the BOMB.COM!  I put cream cheese on them and I'm in heaven.  I discovered today that Ice Breakers Duo (Strawberry) AND Peanut M&Ms are soooooooooooooo good when eaten TOGETHER!!!!!  You should try it.  ;-)

DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT invite me to your house if you're cooking ground beef.  OMG we were browning some the other day and I asked Thomas what was that FONKY smell in our house!  I can't stand the smell of it right now.  ;-) **Chamel & Glenda this explains that Sonic

Stay tuned.......there is more to come!


We're 6 Weeks Today and Counting..........................

Here is Baby Jones at 6 weeks.  

 Here is a more realistic picture of their actual size.  This is a lentil pictured.  

This week I have been experiencing what it feels like to be stretched and pulled.  My body is definitely preparing a nice little nest for Baby Jones.  Being EXTRA tired is number one on my list.  Thomas has been so good with helping around the house when I just pass out on him.  I'm sleeping 4-5 hours at a time.  And you all know that's hard for me to do when there are things that need to get done.  

I am having to potty every two hours during the night and it's interrupting my sleep.  I've also had a few discomforts due to my body preparing for the baby, so MOM if you're reading this I AM SORRY FOR EVERY HEARTACHE I'VE CAUSED YOU SINCE 1985.  My mom and sister told me your body goes through changes, but I never knew until 2 June 2013 when the signs started kicking in.  

I am so ready for this journey as a new mommy.  I'm doing a documentary so Baby Jones will know what they put momma

Stay tuned......we love you!


Friday, June 7, 2013

Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 1-9

Here is video #1 for us.  I love

Thanks Chamel and Trineeta for sharing.  You two are AWESOME!!!!


First Prenatal Appointment

Hey Family!

Our initial appointment went well with our primary care doctor.  They put in the referral request for Tricare and it was approved the SAME day!  Woo Hoo!  Way to go Humana Military!

We are scheduled for our first prenatal appointment on 18 June 2013.  I will be 7 weeks the day before this appointment.  

Stay tuned for more.......


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

And then there were 3..............................

Hello Family!

If you're reading this you know Team Jones is expanding.  YES, we're expecting.   5 Weeks and 1 Day as of today.  As you've read in our previous posts, the birth control was taken out 31 January 2013 and  conceived 13 May 2013.  

The story is very simple, on Sunday, 2 June, I wanted to just fall over and go to sleep in church.  I've never been this exhausted before.  So on my way home from church I kept feeling nauseous, but I figured it was because my breakfast had worn off.  So when I got home after eating and relaxing, I just went to sleep, literally on the couch, out like a light.  For some reason I jumped up and thought I was running I went to the bathroom and decided to take a test.   

7 Pregnancy Test
Yes, I took 7 test (this number represent completion).  When I took test #1 I couldn't believe what I was seeing, so I had to take several more.  I contacted my doctor and gave her my dates and PinkPad (app on my phone) information, and learned I'm 5 weeks pregnant and due FEBRUARY 3, 2014!  

My awesome big sis Chamel gave me these books months ago and stated I would need them soon.  Well, she was right.  Thomas and I have been educating ourselves on baby stuff.  Thank you Melly Mel for sharing with us.  

 These are heaven sent.  These are the ONLY two food items that do not bother my stomach.  I had to grab them around 1am this morning.  I also learned an onion bagel with 
cream cheese, a whole peach, and orange juice is the BOMB.COM!  

The prenatal are now in full force.  I am taking them 3 times a day along with folic acid 400 mcg.  I set reminders on my phone to take them.  They are yucky but essential.  

 To our awesome family.  We truly appreciate the love and support so far.  From the parenting advice to the side affects, we welcome it all.  

We have an appointment tomorrow at 8:30 to meet with the OB/GYN to discuss everything.  Stayed tuned for an update.