Baby Jones

 BabyFetus Ticker

Monday, January 27, 2014

Thomas, this picture is for YOU!!!!

Ephesians 5:25 ESV

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her;

1 Peter 3:7 ESV 

Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.

Mr. Jones-

You have walked out the following two scriptures I've posted.  It's an honor to carry your son.  It's an honor being your wife/helpmate.  It's an honor being that best friend that you need.  It's an honor being in ministry together.  

This picture is for you!  Cayden and I are grateful for the sacrifices you make for us and your country daily.  It's a decision you made almost 10 years ago and never stopped pressing through it all.  

We love you so much!!!!! 

Chantel & Cayden 

40 Week Update

Congratulations! This week marks the official end of your pregnancy. Your baby probably weighs anywhere from six to nine pounds and measures between 19 and 22 inches (though tons of perfectly healthy babies are smaller or bigger). The bones in his skull haven’t fused yet — Mother Nature’s way of making it easier to get through the birth canal during labor and delivery. He now has enough fat under the skin to maintain his body temperature outside the womb (with a little help from those cute outfits and swaddling blankets that you’ve been stocking up on!). You (or actually the placenta) are still providing the antibodies he’ll need to fight off infections for the first six months of his life. And if you plan on breastfeeding, your milk will be giving him more antibodies that’ll boost his immune system.

Mr. Cayden is on chill mode right now.  Please stay tuned for further updates.  

Saturday, January 25, 2014


This morning after my devotional the Word of God spoke volumes to me about those He has surrounded me with.  I used to worry about what others may say or think about me, but thank you Jesus for revelation and discernment.  

Throughout this pregnancy I've had some ups and downs, but those who God planted in my life have remained deeply rooted.  The love and support has been there even before we learned we were pregnant.  

At one point negativity tried to invade my life from family and so-called friends.  From hiding behind social media and text messages pretending to care to making harsh comments about what I "should" be doing!  Through it all, God has kept me and my circle has encouraged me.  I still love you but my family will not entertain the drama!

To our circle of love: I don't have to call out your names because you know who you are, but I just want to say 
for ALL that you do.  It does not go unrecognized.  The mommy advice, the breakfast, lunch, and dinner dates, the venting sessions, the candles, the Starbucks trips, etc (I could go on and on) all have helped me along this journey.  I am forever grateful.  In a few days you all will be able to meet Mr. Cayden Edward Jones!!!!  

We Love You!!!!!

Jones Party of 4

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Monday IS the day: Eviction Notice

Well, after today's appointment, Dr. Stutes is evicting Mr. Cayden Jones.  He is down to one pocket of fluid, no room left, and in position.  If he doesn't come by this weekend, we will go in Monday to be induced.  I am 90% effaced and 0 dilated.  
Our appointment is set.  Bags have been double checked, and family notified.
Before leaving the office, we had a non-stress test (NST) done.  I started to contract and Cayden started to move the monitors.  But all looks great!

Stay tuned for further updates.  

Monday, January 20, 2014

39 Weeks Pregnant

Wow!  Time is going by fast and slow.  Next a Saturday is January 25th!!!!  Will Cayden come on, before, or after his due date???????  Daddy says before but momma is thinking after.  I've been having contractions but they are not consistent.  Warm baths have helped up until this point.  The lower back and pelvic pain are the worse for me.  Walking in stores now is like running a marathon!!!!  
This week in our fruit basket we have a watermelon.  He feels like one too.  But so far I'm grateful for not having issues with fluid and being swollen from head to toe.  From time to time if I'm standing or sitting too long I will swell but nothing long term.  
Here is my weekly creation of the belly.  Cayden has dropped.  I can breathe and heartburn is not as bad.  Just ready to see his little face.  
FYI Cayden is REALLY sitting in my lap lollllll.  

We have an appointment this Tuesday so stay tuned.  Love you! 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dad-chelor Party Honoring Dad 2 Be

Yesterday, our family was truly blessed.  Thank you Johnson, Jackson, and Clark family for putting together this awesome party for Thomas.  I just want to say my husband is truly blessed to have a band of brothers that support him & treat him just like they're biological brothers!!!! 

Photo Credit: Darrel Jackson (some of the guys at the party)

Cayden is truly loved and you guys really expressed this love on yesterday. His closet is definitely overflowing.  

Again, thank you for an awesome party and being there for us!!!! 

38 Week Update

Cayden isn't so little anymore, weighing close to seven pounds and measuring 20 inches long. Fetal development is nearly complete as he tends to a few last-minute details like shedding the skin-protecting vernix and lanugo. He's also producing more surfactant, a substance that prevents the air sacs in his lungs from sticking to one another once he starts to breathe. Most of the changes this week are small but important: He’s continuing to add fat (so he can take advantage of all those photo ops by sporting a round, cute baby look!) and fine-tuning his brain and nervous system (so he can deal with all the stimulation that awaits him once he makes his entrance into the world).

Mommy Update:

Contractions (Braxton's) are really strong.  The pressure is on in my pelvic and hip area.  I've been taking warm baths and using a thousand pillows and methods to sooth my body.  Thomas has been an awesome massage therapist through this pregnancy.  I'm on auto pilot and relaxing at home.  Walking in stores is pretty much impossible for me because I'm tired by the time I walk in.  As far as sleep, I'm sleeping about an hour to and hour and fifteen minutes at a time before I have to get up and pee.  

This past week I finalized my birthing plan, filled out emergency contact information, along with Cayden's pediatrician name, number, and address.  All important documents are ready to go and accessible for daddy when we arrive at the hospital.  

We have an appointment this Thursday, so stay tuned for updates to come.  Love you! 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

37 Weeks......Cayden is FULL TERM!!!!!

37 weeks today!  Boy where has time gone????  I am so ready to meet our precious little boy.  He has sooooo many people ready to hold him and spoil him.  

Here is a sneak peek of my maternity shoot.  Just ready to take pictures of our little man.  Let's pray he loves the camera as much as I love taking images.  Lol

To my mommy-to-be this stuff is amazing.  It will definitely relax you and put you to sleep.  The lavender smells sooooo good.  

Lastly, we took a silly shot to show Cayden he has parents that have a fun side and can't wait until he joins our selfies.  

We have an appointment scheduled for this Tuesday.  Stay tuned for updates.  

God Sent Help

Where do I begin?????

My big sis, Chamel, spent the week with me and Lord knows she has truly been a blessing in our home.  Not only did she leave the comfort of her home in Tennessee, but she sacrificed time away from her husband and two handsome little boys.  

Chamel assisted Thomas with things like hanging curtains and pictures.  She took the liberty to decorate and organize.  She went above and beyond in our home.  

She not only assisted with packing Cayden's baby bag, she even helped mommy with hers.

Our bags are all packed and ready to go.  The car seat is installed in the car as well.  

She sterilized bottles, pacifiers, and breastpump items organized and packed them away.  I woke up from a nap to find she had even washed some of his clothes (enough to keep us from having to wash once we come home from the hospital).

Chamel was even bold enough to tackle his We went shopping at Target to find items to organize his stuff.  As you can see he has a lot.

Chamel, this past week you have REALLY shown our family and home the true definition of love.  Thank you for taking on these tasks, assisting Thomas, and taking my stress away ;)  You are truly an amazing woman of God and I'm blessed to have you as MY big sis.  You are heaven sent.  I really miss you being here, but I know you have to get back to your family and spoil them.  I love you and thank you for helping me through this journey.