Baby Jones

 BabyFetus Ticker

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Hubby and I were babysitting this past Saturday. Baby Kasen is one month old and such a sweet baby. Thomas laid there the entire time with Kasen on his chest. We are in trouble when we get pregnant!!! Lol

Well, I'm about to enjoy some tv time.

Stay tuned.......

Saturday, February 16, 2013


I started taking prenatal omega-3 today. I ordered them through Melaleuca (my sister, Chamel). Let's see how this goes. They are pretty I am taking 3 daily. Ready, set, go.........

Monday, February 11, 2013

Today is Monday

Today is Monday and I've revamped so much in my life & schedule. From de-cluttering my mind and house to my Bible studies and photography business. Lately I've been running around super busy and super tired & not making time for myself. Well, that's over with. No more feeling overwhelmed. Operation Simplicity in full force. No more getting caught up in day to day activities and making excuses of why God can only get 5 minutes of my time. In relationships we have to spend time getting to know that person better. So my approach will be just that. Regardless of what the world may say, I'm moving forward and not looking back!

Quote of the Day............

Thursday, February 7, 2013

It's Been ONE week!!!!

Wow, time sure does fly by. Today makes one week since the removal of the birth control. My body is definitely getting back adjusted because I can feel it. I haven't had normal cycles for the past 5 years so let's see how much adjusting I have to do lol.

Hubby & I are on our way to south Mississippi. J-State (Jackson State University) here we come. We've been visiting colleges and sharing the good news about crossing into the blue (Air Force) as an officer. We've been traveling since last Friday. Welp, that's all for now will post updates later.

Friday, February 1, 2013

My Card

I can officially throw this card away. It has traveled in my wallet since November 2007. Overall, today was a good day. Hubby and I are in the car traveling to Mississippi right now. We have MiFi in the car and its pretty neat. He worked on recruiting stuff while I drove and now I'm blogging while he's driving. ;)

Any plans for the weekend? Hubby has a midterm and I'm working on photography stuff for class and clients. Well, I'm about to sign off for now. Catch ya later!!!

Thomas & Chantel