Baby Jones

 BabyFetus Ticker

Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 22...........

Today is the first week of our 6th month of pregnancy and the first week of the LAST month in the second trimester!!!!!!!!!!!  Time is moving too fast.

This week we have a papaya to add to our basket.  Cayden is becoming a very active little boy in the afternoons now.  Thank you Jesus because I can sleep a little longer at night.


Look what I found for dad.  I thought this was the cutest idea:

                                                  How Big is Baby?  Daddy Edition 

Yesterday was my last day on antibiotics.  Thank you Jesus.  I am feeling better but still dealing with round ligament pains.  But I'm hanging tough.  Thomas has been the best body pillow this momma could have asked for.  

As of today the countdown is on.  19 more days until our Mississippi baby shower.  I'm super excited about seeing family and friends.  ALL of my sisters will be there along with mommy and my nephews.  Oh how I love them so!  Cayden is one little blessed boy!  

Well, stay tuned for more updates.

Jones Party of 4 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Excitement @ 130

Hubby and I are currently traveling back home and I'm blogging away on the highway.  A feeling of excitement came over me when I saw "130 days until you meet Cayden". In three weeks I get to attend our baby shower and see family and friends! 

When I get home I plan to organize my to do list for the next two months.  Time is moving faster than I expected.  So in between church, school, and work we have work to accomplish.  Well, stay tuned for more updates and my to do list.  

Jones Party of 4 

Monday, September 23, 2013

21 Weeks & Growing

Today we are 21 weeks and growing.  Cayden is the size of a pomegranate.


We are currently TDY in Starkville, MS and enjoying family.  Well, stay tuned for more updates.

Jones Party of 4 

Emergency Room Visit (Starkville, MS)


Yes yes yes we ended up in the emergency room on Sunday, 22 September, around 1am.  It started with discomfort from sitting on the couch.  Then I began to have trouble breathing and I felt like Cayden was using one of my lungs as a punching bag.  Seconds later I began to throw up!  

Once we made to the hospital they didn't waste any time taking me back.  Thomas and my big sis, Chamel were with me.  Thank you Jesus!  Such a great support system.

Cayden and I are good.  Ended up with an UTI and on medication.  I'm feeling better overall but I still have some pressure in my pelvic area.  

Stay tuned for updates.

Jones Party of 4

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Mid Pregnancy Ultrasound (20 Weeks)

Last Monday, 16 September, we went for our mid pregnancy ultrasound.  Mr. Cayden is definitely growing and not shy at all.  He kept moving around as the sonographer was trying to count his fingers and toes.  All ten toes and 10 fingers are there.  In the second image he is showing his male parts clearly.  

We discovered Mr. Cayden is breeched and sitting Indian style and resting his feet on my bladder.  I've included images of his position below: 

Overall, we are doing well and enjoying the kicks and flutters.  Cayden is normally up and moving around at 1030pm every night and I'm wide awake at 230am.  So if you need us that's a good time to catch us.  Lol. 

Stay tuned for more updates.  

Jones Party of 4 

Monday, September 16, 2013

20 Weeks.......HALF WAY THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are officially at our half way point and closer to seeing our little man.  This week Mr. Cayden is the size of a banana.  He has also been moving around and attending kickboxing classes around 10:30pm every night.  I pray his schedule is 1030am and not pm lol



Here is a video that I thought was really cute from

We have our mid-pregnancy ultrasound today at 3:00pm.  Stay tuned for pictures and updates.

Team Jones 

Monday, September 9, 2013

19 Weeks...........Woot Woot

This week we have a mango and this momma can definitely tell.  Cayden has really been moving around more in the day time.  

Here is an updated belly shot. This momma is rounding off.  We purchased a belly band this past week for more support.  It is definitely helping with the discomfort.  At this point in my pregnancy my appetite is still weird but I am getting more calories.  I'm still waking up in the wee hours but enjoying every moment of this journey.  I am so grateful for my wonderful husband and amazing son.  *dress is courtesy of my personal fashionista Glenda.

We have our prenatal appointment in the morning.  Stayed tuned for updates.  We love you! 

-Jones Party of 4-
(Thomas, Chantel, Cayden, & TJ)


Monday, September 2, 2013

Braggin' & Bloggin'

Yes, I said braggin'.  I knew when I married Thomas God had blessed me with His best, but I never knew what "His Best" meant until we found out we were pregnant.

Okay let me just tell the world about this man.  During my first three months it was ROUGH!  I was very sick and spent most of my time in bed and sleeping.  VERY emotional/hormonal I would CHEW my husband's head off, but he kept pressing through.  There were days I didn't want to deal with me, so I know he wanted to choke me a few times......well, all the time.....LOL

From getting Canada Dry (ginger ale) and crackers to soup, Thomas would sit up with me at my VERY worst.  Let's not forget he's a recruiter for the Air Force, which requires him to travel, meet with applicants, etc, THEN come home to a cranky wife,  and hold down ministry at church as well. 

But TODAY I wake up from my deep sleep to find the following:

  • Clean kitchen
  • mopped floors
  • SUPER clean bathrooms
  • ceiling fan blades cleaned
  • spot cleaned couches
  • laundry folded and put away
  • candles lit and oil burners on
The house smelled and looked so great!!!!!!  Thomas Jones, I appreciate you so much and bless God for you and your faithfulness to God, me, and this marriage.  Your love for me is felt and evident through your words and actions.  Thank you for your patience and putting up with me thus far.  

Loving you always!


His Name.......

Baby Jones now has a name............

Cayden Edward Jones

He has his grandfather's middle name.  We can't wait to meet this little guy. 

Stay tuned for updates!

We love you! 

18 Weeks............22 More to Go!

This week we have a sweet potato to add to our basket.  **Chamel.......we are not about to eat any.....LOL**  This is the first week of our FIFTH month!!!!!  Time is going by kind of fast for me, but I am enjoying every moment of it.                     

I've been craving Dr. Pepper this past week.  I know it's the pregnancy because I didn't drink it before.  It was all about COKE!!!!!!!!!!!


Pickles, pickles, pickles are my new found favorite.  I now eat them on my hamburger and this is definitely something I didn't do prior to pregnancy.  They are soooooooo delish!
Here is the travel system and play yard that we both like.  It's the Clearbrook line from Eddie Bauer and I love it!  The stroller is very light and it's one hand fold.  Woot Woot.  The play yard is compact as well.  Has the changing basket on top that's removable and the bedding is adjustable.  We test drove the stroller at Target.  I'm soooooooooooooo excited and can't wait to see him ballin' in it.  

Lastly, here is the shirt that I MUST order for him.  For those of you who knows Thomas REALLY well, knows this shirt is PERFECT!  
Stay tuned for more update!  We love you!